Ankle ligaments are instrumental in maintaining the stability of the ankle in our day to day activities such as walking and running. Injury to these ligaments are common in sporting activities and following a twisting injury to the ankle. These injured ligaments need immobilisation and rest to heal for a period of 3 to 6 weeks. Incomplete healing leads to instability of the ankle with repeated episodes of twisting and chronic pain. Without proper restoration of normal mechanics, other parts of the ankle also wear out faster due to abnormal biomechanics. Research shows invasive ankle ligament surgeries are no more effective than physical therapy or no surgery at all while adding risk and significant recovery time.
Ankle sprains often cause stretched or torn ligaments that change how you walk, putting painful stress on other joints of the foot as well as making it more likely that you will sprain the ankle again. This incomplete healing leads to a cycle of chronic pain and instability. Research shows invasive ankle ligament surgeries are no more effective than physical therapy or no surgery at all while adding risk and significant recovery time. Without proper restoration of normal mechanics, other parts of the ankle also wear out faster due to abnormal biomechanics. These surgical intervention typically only add to instability, pain, and increased risk of problems that permanently affect the body’s ability to move properly.
ReGen provides a non surgical alternative to manage these injuries with the use of stem cells. We use image guidance to precisely place concentrated stem cells or platelets from your body directly where they are needed. These cells then work in the site of your injury and repair damaged tissues and achieves positive outcomes for the patient. This innovative procedure restores shoulder function and mobility and decrease pain without the need for surgery by regenerating damaged tissues. The biomechanics of the joint is not disturbed leading to excellent results and early ambulation.
You can call to address all your queries about PRP treatment and to fix an appointment.